Monday, September 15, 2014

The Epilogue of the Book of the Gospel Sources

Now, after this detailed and thorough and in-depth study of most the texts and stories and sayings of the four Gospels, and the relationship between them and the Old Testament, both with the principles and concepts of it, and the texts that have been quoted from it, and the exact meaning of the word "gospel" in the New Testament, and the way of preaching of the disciples, and the method and approach and the purpose of the writing the Gospels, it's a time to summarize the results which we have reached.
The first is that there is no any relationship or connection in terms of principles and sources between the authors of the Gospels particularly, and the rest of the New Testament authors generally, and the Old Testament except one thing which is the quoted texts, because, as we have read, the Old Testament is based on the Oneness of the LORD the Creator of the heavens and earth, while the New Testament was based on the multiplicity of gods and trinity! And so it is with the rest of Principles.
As for the quoted texts, none of them applies to Jesus or his time or his generation, knowing they have distorted and twisted and manipulated most of them, and so on, as we have seen, and all this they have done just to bestow a state of holiness and reliability and credibility on what they have written.
The second is that the true meaning of the term or the word "gospel" is the way of preaching Jesus through the Old Testament texts to convince the Jews especially and the other peoples generally that he is the Christ who was mentioned in the Old Testament texts, and not intended the Four Gospels. Otherwise, the churches should explain and justify why they did not keep the Gospels of Paul and Peter which have been mentioned in the Letters of Paul.
The third is that the four Gospels have not been written through the revelation or the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, as say the churches to their pious followers.
The fourth is that the four Gospels have not been written by the eyewitnesses, who have seen the story or heard it from reliable sources, as alleges the churches.
The fifth is that the four Gospels had been written through a certain approach and a certain way, which is the quoting from the texts of the Old Testament and reformulating in the framework of the narrative to say that the four Gospels are considered as achieving and fulfilling the prophecies of the Old Testament and from the same source away from the real story of the Christ!
Further evidence that proves the results of the book, which have not been discussed in detail in the book, which are as follows:
The first is that the writing of the Gospels after decades of Jesus' ascension to heaven, and this period of time was necessary to study the texts of the Old Testament and reformulating them in the context of narrative in the Gospels, and that's what we notice in Paul's Letters, although he had quoted dozens of texts from the Old Testament, yet he did not talk about Jesus' life, except few stories, which some of them are similar to what is written in the four Gospels, and the others inconsistent with what is written in them, and did not write any word on the lips of Jesus except one or two, as well as the disciples as is written in Acts of the Apostles about them, and in their letters, as is shown previously.
However, this period of time was not enough to write the four Gospels without errors and contradictions, for this we find that some of the texts were added to them, and deleted and reformed some others of them, hence, there is no manuscript is similar to other, even the modern translations differ from each other.
The second is the failure to identify exactly who are the Gospels authors.
The third is that there are no original manuscripts of the Gospels, and the oldest full manuscripts which are available dating back to the fourth century A.D, such as Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Vaticanus and Codex Alexandrinus.
The fourth is a controversy and dispute that has occurred over the centuries until now among fathers of churches on the legality and canonical of some of the texts and paragraphs and letters of the New Testament.
The fifth is that the Church was forced to hold the Councils to write the laws to protect the Gospel of criticism and established the Inquisition, which has cost the humanity millions of victims in the past centuries.
The sixth is, as we have read previously, that the one who has declared that he has gospel which he has received it by revelation from Jesus, (Galatians 1:11-12), i.e., Paul, this gospel has been lost, and the churches did not keep it!
The seventh is that all the non-canonical Gospels are talking about Jesus as a Christ and a god and the son of God, and he is crucified and died and was buried and rose from the dead, which indicates that those writers believe in Jesus as what the churches believe in him one way or another. And they wrote based on their understanding and interpretation of the Old Testament texts as did the four Gospels authors, but they are unable to compose an integrated story, or provide a coherent account, as the four writers did, now apart from all the contradictions and discrepancies and errors that contained in the four Gospels as is well known, and as we have read in the book. For example, the Gospel of Thomas which contains one hundred and fourteen paragraphs looks like outlines more than an integrated story.
Thus the churches have refused them to unite the hearts and minds of their followers on the four Gospels only, even though the errors and the contradictions and discrepancies which were contained in them.
All this confirms that the Gospels were not written by the revelation or the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, or even through seeing the real story of the Christ, or hearing it from reliable sources, but have been written through quoting the Old Testament texts and reformulating them in their accounts to talk about the life of Christ, the son of Mary, according to what the Churches believe in the attributes of Jesus, and here I'd like to remind once again that we need more knowledge and information more than is now available about the sects that existed in the first centuries, such as the Arians and others, to know the reality of what they were believed in Christ the son of Mary.
Finally, I'd like to mention a text of Hosea to be a sign to all those who are looking for the truth, which is as follows:
Hosea 14:9 Who is wiseLet him understand these thingsWho is prudent? Let him know them. For the ways of the LORD are rightThe righteous walk in them, But transgressors stumble in them.

Nader Isa

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